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Terrorist Groups Using Communication Strategies To Stage Attacks

Terrorist Groups Using Communication Strategies To Stage Attacks

OSNIT reports and in-depth coverage of areas prone to terror attacks in Kenya have established that Terrorist Groups conduct a prior and thorough evaluation of their target before the actual attack.
Terrorists spread their propaganda using leaflets, social media, sites linked to them and in extreme cases, through video coverage as seen in the case of Mpeketoni attack and Mandera Massacre.
All this is made possible because the terrorists live among the community, interact with them and some even pose as business men and women in these areas.
Kenyans Contribution towards Counter-terrorism
As echoed by British Commissioner in Kenya Christian Turner, Kenyans ought to further contribute in the war against terror using community based strategy.
Kenyans could be at a position to provide more vital information pertaining to these terrorists.
Some terrorists have surrendered following the amnesty call by the government however some are into hiding in Kenya and being covered up by their family members.
Building trust between these families, the police and the community at large could help trace down members of these militia groups and prevent the series of terror attacks in Kenya.
Information Warfare
As confirmed, these groups tend to first spread ideologies to new recruits who later engage in terrorism either at home or abroad.
Through intelligence sharing, the government is expected to strategically place informants within the communities who will be able to gather information which will be used to preempt such attacks.
Another aspect which could be used to counter terrorism in Kenya is by mitigating terror effects by ensuring a rapid return to ordinary life of those affected.
Also, borrowing tactics from other nations which have used information warfare to combat terrorism could be equally embraced in Kenya.
Such include how the United Kingdom countered Irish Republican Army’s bombing, where authorities used the community to gather crucial information on terrorists.

